Learn how to play a smooth jazz bossa nova song – Free Guitar Lesson with Ricky Molina!In this first video guitar lesson of a series of three, I show you all the chords from an original smooth bossa nova piece called Weight of a Whisper. We start with the rhythmic pattern, really getting to know the beat. Next we get into the intro and verse parts (parts A & B). The second video continues with parts C & D, the pre-chorus and chorus.The final and third video covers the post-chorus and the outro.

To access the pdf (score sheet), wav files for the backing tracks, the instrumental track and the vocal track, please click on the images below: 

Weight of a Whisper chords pdf

Weight of a Whisper

Instrumental Track

(sax and guitar leads)

Weight of a Whisper

Weight of a Whisper

Weight of a Whisper

Vocal Track

(sung by Bruno Elisabetsky)


Weight of a Whisper

Backing Track

(for practicing solos over chord changes)

Weight of a Whsiper Backing Track

Weight of a Whsiper Backing Track

Thank you for purchasing this guitar tutotial.  I hope you enjoyed it and learned a lot from it.  

Please drop me a line at ricky@rickymolinaproductions.com for any feedback, requests or suggestions that you may have.  

Thanks so much.

Ricky Molina

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