RickyMolinaProductions.com original music

Original music, arrangements, lyrics, videos and reviews.

Andalucian Prophecy by Ricky Molina

Weight of a Whisper by Ricky Molina

Some of the projects that I've worked on...

Ricky is a fingerstyle guitarist who writes in various musical genres, including jazz, classical, progressive rock, pop, folk, acoustic and orchestral. He has also written music for sync including commercial ads and film.

Ricky has produced a host of videos that appear on the Ricky Molina YouTube Channel. Video playlists include original compositions, cover arrangements, music tutorials, tips on song production and product reviews.

Every now and then there's a song from one of your favorite artists that you just want to share, played and arranged according to your own interpretation.

With the help of VSTs, midi technology and digital audio workstations, it's become possible to produce orchestral arrangements in home recording studios. While primarily a guitarist, Ricky also plays real percussive instruments, keyboards and sings.

Ricky shares some insights into the craft of writing and producing music. From choosing the right DAW or plugin to tweak a guitar part, or analyzing the techniques of successful producers and conductors, there are so many issues that songwriters and producers must contend with.

Over the course of their lifetimes, songwriters and artists spend thousands of dollars on instruments and production gear. Everyone has their favorites, picks and pans. Ricky shares some insights about the products that made a big impression on him, whether favorable or not.

What listeners have said about Ricky's music...

Most impressive! Stunning video.

Nature in its glory

set to beautiful music.

Tony Learner


Michelle Campagne


I love this.

Beautiful performance and moving,

powerful music.

Emmanuel Yohan Lazzara



Sergio Arturo Calonego


Need some help writing your next song?

  • Brainstorm ideas
  • Keyword association charts
  • Archive hooks and catchy phrases
  • Chord diagram charts, tabs, and musical staffs
  • Inspirational quotes
  • How to catch a groove and a new vibe
  • Tips on song registration and copyrights
  • Finally, one place to organize and preserve your ideas
  • Room for 25 songs, 180 pages in total

Ricky's in the New Haven area.

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