Fair Use for Music Students and Educators

In this video, Ricky shares his views on Fair Use of copywritten musical recordings. This is an especially timely issue, as fellow YouTuber Rick Beato recently returned from Washington D.C. to testify in front of a Conngressional subcommittee about the subject of fair use for educational purposes.

Ricky highlights the hypocritical stance taken by Don Henley of the Eagles on the subject. Ricky shows how it was quite likely that Don Henley and Don Felder were inspired and influenced by a Jethro Tull song from 1969 called “We Used to Know,” before writing their biggest hit “Hotel California.” The chord progression (in terms of music theory), are almost identical.

In the latter part of the video, Ricky shares 4 suggestions with the regulatory authorities about how to integrate a fair use policy. This would greatly help not only with sales for the publishers, record labels and the original artist, but would also help promote music eductation throughout America and the rest of the world.

You can purchase a copy of the song “We Used to Know” by Jethro Tull by clicking on this link: https://play.google.com/store/music/a…

You can purchase a copy of the song “Hotel California” by the Eagles by clicking on this link: https://play.google.com/store/music/a…

Please leave a comment below – Ricky would love to hear your thoughts on this important subject.

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Contact Ricky if you need original music in various genres and styles for sync, media, commercials or video games at ricky@rickymolinaproductions.com

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Thanks so much for watching!

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